JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudy of spin fluctuations, superfluidity and superconductivity in fermion systems in two dimensions
著者(日)平島 大; 片野 真史; 久保 勝規; 芦沢 久幸
著者(英)Hirashima, Dai; Katano, Masafumi; Kubo, Katsunori; Ashizawa, Hisayuki
著者所属(日)筑波大学 物理学系; 筑波大学 物理学系; 筑波大学 物理学系; 筑波大学 物理学系
著者所属(英)University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics; University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics; University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics; University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics
発行機関などThe Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
刊行物名Activity Report, 1999
Activity Report, 1999
抄録(1) Superfluidity in two dimensional liquid He-3 was studied. Effective interaction was calculated with a T-matrix theory, and p-wave attraction was found to be dominant in the dilute case (rho is smaller than 0.03/sq A). The superfluid transition temperature in the pure case was found to be of the order of mK. (2) Stripe order and stripe fluctuations in Hubbard type model were considered. A quantum Monte Carlo calculation of a spinless Hubbard type model was performed to study the effect of charge fluctuations of stripe type. The one particle spectrum near the instability was found to be reduced by the stripe fluctuations in the diagonal direction of the Brillouin zone. (3) Multiple spin exchanges in a two dimensional Wigner crystal and solid He-3 were studied with a WKB (Wenzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approximation. The five particle exchange may be crucial to stabilize a ferromagnetic ground state. The ferromagnetic interaction of solid He-3 was also explained, but the WKB approximation was found to yield only qualitative tendency in the case of solid He-3. (4) The two loop correction to the uniform susceptibility near a two dimensional antiferromagnetic quantum critical point was calculated. The calculation showed qualitative agreement with the experimental results.
キーワードtwo dimensional liquid He 3; T matrix theory; superfluid transition; Hubbard type model; quantum Monte Carlo calculation; multiple spin exchange; Wigner crystal; solid He 3; Wenzel Kramers Brillouin approximation; WKB approximation; antiferromagnetic quantum critical point; superconductivity; two dimensional femion system; 2次元液体He-3; T行列理論; 超流動転移; ハバード型モデル; 量子モンテカルロ計算法; 多重スピン交換; ウィグナー結晶; 固体(3)ヘリウム; ベンツェル-クラマース-ブリュアン近似; WKB近似; 反強磁性量子臨界点; 超電導; 2次元フェルミオン系
資料種別Technical Report
