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タイトルInverse photoemission spectra of a decagonal single quasicrystal Al72Ni12Co16
著者(日)曽田 一雄; 野澤 幸司; 柳田 洋平; 森田 健治; 水谷 宇一郎; 横山 嘉彦; 野手 竜之介; 井上 明久; 石井 啓文; 手塚 泰久
著者(英)Soda, Kazuo; Nozawa, Koji; Yanagida, Yohei; Morita, Kenji; Mizutani, Uichiro; Yokoyama, Yoshihiko; Note, Ryunosuke; Inoue, Akihisa; Ishii, Hirofumi; Tezuka, Yasuhisa
著者所属(日)名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科; 姫路工業大学 工学部; 東北大学金属材料研究所; 東北大学金属材料研究所; 東京大学物性研究所; 東京大学物性研究所
著者所属(英)Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering; Himeji Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering; Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University; Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
刊行物名Activity Report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 1997/1998
Activity Report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 1997/1998
抄録The extremely large electrical resistivity of Quasicrystal (QC) consisting of only metallic element has been discussed to be originated from a pseudo-gap in the vicinity of the Fermi level and spiky structure of the density of states (DOS) in the QC. The inverse photoemission spectra (IPES) of the two-dimensional decagonal Al-Ni-Co single QC have been studied to investigate its electronic structure, where quasiperiodic planes are stacked along a c-axis in a normal crystalline periodicity. Anisotropic transport properties in the decagonal QC have been observed in accordance with the structural anisotropy. The conditions for the measurement of the IPES of the QC are described. And, the specimens used in the study were Al72Ni12Co16 single QC grown by the Czochralski method. The IPES of Al72Ni12Co16 and gold obtained for incident electron energy of 66.3 eV were shown in a figure. The metallic edge was recognized in the IPES of gold, however, the IPES of Al72Ni12Co16 showed no clear Fermi edge and its intensity increased towards the low binding energy. It was suggested that the intensity of IPES of Al72Ni12Co16 was low in the vicinity of the Fermi level, and hence that there existed an opening of the pseudo-gap in the decagonal QC.
キーワードinverse photoemission spectrum; decagonal single quasicrystal; AlNiCo system; metallic element; pseudo gap; Fermi level; electronic structure; icosahedral quasicrystal; anisotropic transport property; Czochralski method; Fermi edge; 逆光電子放出スペクトル; 10角形単結晶準結晶; AlNiCo系; 金属元素; 擬ギャップ; フェルミ準位; 電子構造; 20面体準結晶; 異方的輸送特性; チョクラルスキー法; フェルミ端
資料種別Technical Report
