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タイトルObservation Scheduling System
著者(英)Tran, Daniel Q.; Rabideau, Gregg R.; Schaffer, Steven R.; Chien, Steve A.
著者所属(英)California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Software has been designed to schedule remote sensing with the Earth Observing One spacecraft. The software attempts to satisfy as many observation requests as possible considering each against spacecraft operation constraints such as data volume, thermal, pointing maneuvers, and others. More complex constraints such as temperature are approximated to enable efficient reasoning while keeping the spacecraft within safe limits. Other constraints are checked using an external software library. For example, an attitude control library is used to determine the feasibility of maneuvering between pairs of observations. This innovation can deal with a wide range of spacecraft constraints and solve large scale scheduling problems like hundreds of observations and thousands of combinations of observation sequences.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
