JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAvionics for a Small Satellite
著者(英)Jochim, David; Schuler, Robert; Abbott, Larry
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述This paper discusses a small. seven and a half (7.5) inch diameter. satellite that NASA-JSC is developing as a technology demonstrator for an astronaut assistant free flyer. The Free Flyer is designed to off load flight crew work load by performing inspections of the exterior of Space Shuttle or International Space Station. The Free Flyer is designed to be operated by the flight crew thereby reducing the number of Extra Vehicle Activities (EVA) or by an astronaut on the ground further reducing crew work load. The paper focuses on the design constraint of a small satellite and the technology approach used to achieve the set of high performance requirements specified for the Free Flyer. Particular attention is paid to the processor card as it is the heart and system integration point of the Free Flyer.
NASA分類Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
権利No Copyright
