タイトル | Modular Architecture for the Measurement of Space Radiation |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20100002246 |
著者(英) | Delaune, Paul; Turner, Kathryn; Holland, S. Douglas; Riman, Fadi; Carson, William R. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Johnson Space Center |
発行日 | 2007-06-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A modular architecture has been conceived for the design of radiation-monitoring instruments used aboard spacecraft and in planetary-exploration settings. This architecture reflects lessons learned from experience with prior radiation-monitoring instruments. A prototype instrument that embodies the architecture has been developed as part of the Mars Advanced Radiation Acquisition (MARA) project. The architecture is also applicable on Earth for radiation-monitoring instruments in research of energetic electrically charged particles and instruments monitoring radiation for purposes of safety, military defense, and detection of hidden nuclear devices and materials. |
NASA分類 | Instrumentation and Photography |
レポートNO | MSC-24042/38/41/228 |
権利 | Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright |