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タイトルA Real-Time Algorithm for Integrating Differential Satellite and Inertial Navigation Information During Helicopter Approach
著者(英)Hoang, Ty
著者所属(英)California Polytechnic State Univ.
内容記述A real-time, high-rate precision navigation Kalman filter algorithm is developed and analyzed. This navigation algorithm blends various navigation data collected during terminal area approach of an instrumented helicopter. Navigation data collected include helicopter position and velocity from a global position system in differential mode (DGPS) as well as helicopter velocity and attitude from an inertial navigation system (INS). The goal of the navigation algorithm is to increase the DGPS accuracy while producing navigational data at the 64 Hertz INS update rate. It is important to note that while the data was post flight processed, the navigation algorithm was designed for real-time analysis. The design of the navigation algorithm resulted in a nine-state Kalman filter. The Kalman filter's state matrix contains position, velocity, and velocity bias components. The filter updates positional readings with DGPS position, INS velocity, and velocity bias information. In addition, the filter incorporates a sporadic data rejection scheme. This relatively simple model met and exceeded the ten meter absolute positional requirement. The navigation algorithm results were compared with truth data derived from a laser tracker. The helicopter flight profile included terminal glideslope angles of 3, 6, and 9 degrees. Two flight segments extracted during each terminal approach were used to evaluate the navigation algorithm. The first segment recorded small dynamic maneuver in the lateral plane while motion in file vertical plane was recorded by the second segment. The longitudinal, lateral, and vertical averaged positional accuracies for all three glideslope approaches are as follows (mean +/- two standard deviations in meters): longitudinal (-0.03 +/- 1.41), lateral (-1.29 +/- 2.36), and vertical (-0.76 +/- 2.05).
NASA分類Aircraft Communications and Navigation
NAS 1.26:202504
権利No Copyright
