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タイトルSpatial Combining of Laser-Diode Beams for Pumping an NPRO
著者(英)Aguayo, Francisco; Liu, Duncan; Gelsinger, Paul; Mulder, Jerry
著者所属(英)California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述A free-space optical beam combiner now undergoing development makes it possible to use the outputs of multiple multimode laser diodes to pump a neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) non-planar ring oscillator (NPRO) laser while ensuring that the laser operates at only a single desired frequency. Heretofore, a Nd:YAG NPRO like the present one has been pumped by a single multimode laser-diode beam delivered via an optical fiber. It would be desirable to use multiple pump laser diodes to increase reliability beyond that obtainable from a single pump laser diode. However, as explained in this article, simplistically coupling multiple multimode laser-diode beams through a fiber-optic combiner would entail a significant reduction in coupling efficiency, and lasing would occur at one or more other frequencies in addition to the single desired frequency. To minimize coupling loss, one must ensure that the NA (approximately equal to 0.3) of the combined laser-diode beams is less than the NA of the fiber. The A(Omega) of the laser-diode beam in the slow-axis plane is 1/1.3 as large as that of the fiber. This A(Omega) is small enough to enable efficient coupling of light into the optical fiber, but too large for combining of beams in the slow-axis plane. Therefore, a pair of cylindrical lenses is used to cancel the slow-axis plane magnification introduced by the on-cylindrical lenses used to effect magnification in the fast-axis plane.
NASA分類Lasers and Masers
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
