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タイトルImproved CLARAty Functional-Layer/Decision-Layer Interface
著者(英)Johnston, Mark; Estlin, Tara; Chouinard, Caroline; Nessnas, Issa; Shu, I-Hsiang; Rabideau, Gregg; Gaines, Daniel
著者所属(英)California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Improved interface software for communication between the CLARAty Decision and Functional layers has been developed. [The Coupled Layer Architecture for Robotics Autonomy (CLARAty) was described in Coupled-Layer Robotics Architecture for Autonomy (NPO-21218), NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 26, No. 12 (December 2002), page 48. To recapitulate: the CLARAty architecture was developed to improve the modularity of robotic software while tightening coupling between planning/execution and basic control subsystems. Whereas prior robotic software architectures typically contained three layers, the CLARAty contains two layers: a decision layer (DL) and a functional layer (FL).] Types of communication supported by the present software include sending commands from DL modules to FL modules and sending data updates from FL modules to DL modules. The present software supplants prior interface software that had little error-checking capability, supported data parameters in string form only, supported commanding at only one level of the FL, and supported only limited updates of the state of the robot. The present software offers strong error checking, and supports complex data structures and commanding at multiple levels of the FL, and relative to the prior software, offers a much wider spectrum of state-update capabilities.
NASA分類Technology Utilization and Surface Transportation
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
