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タイトルRocket-UV Spectrometer
著者(英)Westberg, Karl; Burgess, Julian
内容記述This is a report of the second three months (March-May 1961) of a program to design and fabricate an ultraviolet spectrometer and fine guidance control for use in an Aerobee-Hi rocket. The work is being done under Subcontract No. 1 under Contract NASr-3 between Princeton University and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration. The design goals for this instrument are described in the report for the first three month period (Perkin-Elmer Engineering Report No. 5906). The accomplishments of the second three month period include the solution of certain design problems, the establishment of an effective liaison system with personnel at Goddard Space Flight Center, and the completion of certain design and fabrication tasks.
NASA分類Ground Support Systems and Facilities (Space)
Engineering Report No. 5972
権利Copyright, Public use permitted
