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タイトルFailure prediction techniques for compression loaded composite laminates with holes
著者(英)Mikulas, M. M., Jr.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The degree of notch sensitivity of composites in compression and whether their failures can be predicted over a wide range of plate and hole sizes. The notch sensitivity of composites is investigated by comparing actual failure loads of laminates with circular holes, with the extreme failure that would be expected from an ideal notch insensitive material and from an ideal notch sensitive material. The predictability question is addressed by applying the point stress failure criterion to a wide range of plate widths and hole sizes and comparing with available experimental data. The severity of impact is explored by comparing strength reductions resulting from impact with those resulting from comparable size circular holes. Finally, comparison is made of the differences to be expected from the effects of cracks and circular holes on failure strength.
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