JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルProposed uses of laser light scattering instruments for polymerization studies
著者(英)Mclaughlin, Kevin; Runge, Michael L.; Hoyle, Charles E.; Mathias, Lon J.; Mcmanus, Samuel P.; Caruthers, James M.
著者所属(英)University of Southern Mississippi
内容記述Microgravity offers a unique environment for studying polymer diffusion and polymer polymerization reactions. The absence of convection currents, which are the major mode of mixing at the molecular level on Earth, are eliminated or reduced in the microgravity environment. More importantly, the prediction of unique copolymer composition development in microgravity allows controlled formation of new compositions of matter. The absence of mixing at the molecular level should produce unique short block copolymers available for the first time for comonomer compositions which normally lead to random or long block copolymer under good mixing. The investigation of fundamental polymer diffusion and polymer polymerization processes in microgravity is proposed. This effort will involve fundamental studies of monomer and polymer diffusion; their effects on initiation, propagation, and especially termination kinetics rate constant; and the accurate evaluation of copolymerization reactivity ratios in microgravity. The experimental design is presented for these studies along with an evaluation technique for in situ monitoring of polymer diffusion and polymerization kinetics.
権利No Copyright
