JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSimple low NO(x) combustor technology
その他のタイトルSimple low NO(x) combustor technology
著者(日)細井 潤; 廣光 永兆; Riechelmann, Dirk; 藤井 篤之; 佐藤 順一
著者(英)Hosoi, Jun; Hiromitsu, Nagayoshi; Riechelmann, Dirk; Fujii, Atsushi; Sato, Junichi
著者所属(日)IHI 航空宇宙事業本部 技術開発センター 要素技術部; IHI 技術開発本部 基盤技術研究所 熱・流体研究部; IHI 技術開発本部 基盤技術研究所 熱・流体研究部; IHI 技術開発本部 基盤技術研究所 熱・流体研究部; IHI 技術開発本部
著者所属(英)IHI Corporation Advanced Technology Department, Research & Engineering Division, Aero-Engine & Space Operations; IHI Corporation Heat & Fluid Dynamics Department, Research Laboratory, Corporate Research & Development; IHI Corporation Heat & Fluid Dynamics Department, Research Laboratory, Corporate Research & Development; IHI Corporation Heat & Fluid Dynamics Department, Research Laboratory, Corporate Research & Development; IHI Corporation Corporate Research & Development
刊行物名IHI Engineering Review
IHI Engineering Review
抄録A gas-turbine combustor was developed for environment-friendly and economical aircraft engines adaptable to 50-seat class jet planes. The combustor has a simple structure and low NO(x) emission characteristics. The target level of NO(x) reduction was 50 percent or less, which corresponds to the requirements of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) CAEP4 (Committee of Aviation Environmental Protection 4). A special simple structure swirler, named a cross jet swirler, was developed. The test results revealed a significant reduction of NO(x) emissions, to 56.3 percent of the present ICAO CAEP4 requirements for the LTO (Landing and Take-Off) cycle. Furthermore, CO emissions were reduced by 19 percent, and total hydrocarbons by 59 percent compared with the reference values of the ICAO requirements.
キーワードpassenger aircraft; gas turbine combuster; nitrogen oxide; air pollution; jet mixing flow; engine design; cross-jet swirler; performance test; 旅客機; ガスタービン燃焼器; 窒素酸化物; 大気汚染; ジェット混合流; エンジン設計; クロスジェットスワーラ; 性能試験
資料種別Journal Article
