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タイトルComputer program for analysis of split-Stirling-cycle cryogenic coolers
著者(英)Brown, M. T.; Russo, S. C.
著者所属(英)Hughes Aircraft Co.
内容記述A computer program for predicting the detailed thermodynamic performance of split-Stirling-cycle refrigerators has been developed. The mathematical model includes the refrigerator cold head, free-displacer/regenerator, gas transfer line, and provision for modeling a mechanical or thermal compressor. To allow for dynamic processes (such as aerodynamic friction and heat transfer) temperature, pressure, and mass flow rate are varied by sub-dividing the refrigerator into an appropriate number of fluid and structural control volumes. Of special importance to modeling of cryogenic coolers is the inclusion of real gas properties, and allowance for variation of thermo-physical properties such as thermal conductivities, specific heats and viscosities, with temperature and/or pressure. The resulting model, therefore, comprehensively simulates the split-cycle cooler both spatially and temporally by reflecting the effects of dynamic processes and real material properties.
権利No Copyright
