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タイトルA review of some aspects of inferring the ozone profile by inversion of ultraviolet radiance measurements
著者(英)Mateer, C. L.
著者所属(英)Atmospheric Environment Service
内容記述The mathematical inversion of light-scattering observations to obtain the atmospheric ozone profile is discussed in terms of the filtering properties of the physical and mathematical processes for different spatial scales. Within this context, it is shown that the physical process of scattering acts as a low pass filter; which transfers large-scale profile information efficiently to radiance observations but very strongly attenuates small- or fine-scale profile information. To avoid domination of the mathematical inversion by the random error of radiance measurements, an equivalent spatial-scale filtering in the inversion procedure is essential. The available evidence suggests that mathematical inversion to obtain the low level ozone profile below 25 to 30 km is either inferior to or no better than the statistical estimation of the profile using total ozone as predictor. However, inversion profiles for high level ozone above 25 to 30 km appear to have moderately good accuracy.
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