JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCytogenetic analyses of peripheral lymphocytes subjected to simulated solar flare radiation
著者(英)Prichard, H. M.
著者所属(英)Texas Univ.
内容記述Solar flare protons share many radiological health characteristics of the inner Van Allen Belt protons, and both types of radiation pose serious dangers to a number of missions planned. It is appropriate to evaluate crew dose determination procedures in terms of the type of radiation responsible for the major part of the projected exposure, i.e., protons in the neighborhood of 100 MeV. Monitoring chromosome abnormalities in peripheral lymphocytes is one method to determine an individual's accumulated radiation dosage. Cell culture and harvest is a relatively simple procedure and is well within the capabilities of a station health facility, but the evaluation of prepared microscopic slides is a time consuming and subjective procedure. This project is part of an effort to demonstrate the utility of automated image processing and evaluation procedures in expediting dose evaluation. The initial goal of this project is to produce a set of reference chromosome spreads produced from control lymphocytes and from lymphocytes exposed in whole blood to protons or gamma rays. The results of manual and automated aberration scoring will ultimately be compared to test for systematic differences between the two evaluation procedures and between the two radiation qualities. Proton irradiations are performed at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Cyclotron Facility. Proton dosimetry is supplemented by TLD packets from and by assay of short-lived proton activation products in the irradiation blood samples.
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