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タイトルProductivity improvement in engineering at Rocketdyne
著者(英)Vogt, S. T.; Woo, A. K.; Nordlund, R. M.
著者所属(英)Rockwell International Corp.
内容記述The Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International has embarked on a productivity improvement program in engineering. This effort included participation in the White Collar Productivity Improvement (WCPI) project sponsored by the American Productivity Center. A number of things have been learned through this project. It seems that any productivity improvement project should be employee driven. The Rocketdyne project was essentially started as a result of a grassroots effort to remove some particular hindrances, and employee enthusiasm was a prime factor in the continuing progress of the effort. A significant result was that awareness of problems at all levels increased. Many issues surfaced in the diagnostic phase, and were then noted and discussed. This process added legitimacy to issues that had previously been merely unspoken concerns. The initial feelings of many members of the pilot group was that significant changes would occur relatively quickly. It is now recognized that this will have to be an ongoing, long-term effort.
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