JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSpace exposure of composite materials for large space structures (A0134)
著者(英)Slemp, W. S.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the effects of the near-Earth orbital environment on the physical and chemical properties of laminated continuous-filament composites and composites resin films for use in large space structures and advanced spacecraft. The experiment is passive and occupies about one-half of a 6-in.-deep peripheral tray. Specimens of composite materials and polymeric and resin films are arranged above and below the experiment mounting plate to enable both exposure and nonexposure to sunlight. This provides a comparison of the effects of ultraviolet plus vacuum plus thermal cycling and those of vacuum plus thermal cycling on these materials. The experiment tray is thermally isolated from the Long Duration Exposure Facility structure to allow the material specimens to experience a wide range of thermal cycles. Tensile and compression specimens will be used to evaluate the laminated composite materials. A number of the specimens are precut and ready for testing after space exposure, whereas other specimens will be prepared from larger samples.
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