JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEffect of space environment on space-based radar phased-array antenna (A0133)
著者(英)Heuer, R. L.; Rossi, M. L.; Kesselman, M.; Delasi, R. J.; Kuehne, F. J.; Whiteside, J. B.
著者所属(英)Grumman Aerospace Corp.
内容記述Kapton polyimide film was selected as the baseline material for the Grumman spce based radar (SBR) concept. To gain the requisite confidence for long-term service durability, it is desirable to subject material specimens as well as a portion of the SBR antenna directly to the combined space environment and compare property degradation to that caused by laboratory simulation. The overall objective of this program is to evauate the effect of the space environment on polymeric materials currently being considered for the Grumman SBR Phased-Array Antenna. Degradation mechanisms caused by thermal cycling, ultraviolet and charged-particle irradiation, applied load, and high-voltage plasma interaction will be evaluated. The experiment occupies a 6-in.-deep end corner tray located on the space end of the Long Duration Exposure Facility and consists of both passive and active parts. The passive part addresses the effect of environment and stress on the dimensional stability spliced and continuous Kapton, both plain and reinforced. The active part will study the interaction of high voltage and low-Earth-orbit plasma.
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