JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMinimum testing of the space shuttle orbiter for stability and control derivatives
著者(英)Cooke, D. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述A unique approach has been developed for stability and control derivative testing of the Space Shuttle orbiter during entry. Shuttle Program requirements have necessitated a minimum of testing. Therefore, flight tests concentrate on potential control problem areas predicted from wind tunnel data as well as anomalies discovered during flight testing. The object is to use the test data to remove center of gravity (cg), angle of attack, and elevon placards which are a function of these potential control problems. To ensure successful aerodynamic extraction from a minimum of testing, the following special measures have been taken. Exact maneuvers are designed preflight on Shuttle simulators. These maneuvers are duplicated and implemented during the flight by onboard software. An onboard instrumentation system was designed especially for aerodynamic parameter identification. State-of-the-art techniques are used in extracting aerodynamics.
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