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タイトルOcean surface albedo in AFES
その他のタイトルOcean surface albedo in AFES
著者(日)榎本 剛
著者(英)Enomoto, Takeshi
著者所属(日)海洋研究開発機構 地球シミュレータセンター
著者所属(英)Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Earth Simulator Center
刊行物名JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development
抄録The albedo of the ocean surface is of primary importance in the radiative energy balance of the Earth. It takes the smallest value of close to 0 over ocean water and the largest value of nearly 1 over snow-covered sea ice. The albedo of ocean water is determined by of the solar zenith angle, slope of the surface and optical properties of the atmosphere and ocean. The albedo of sea ice is significantly influenced by snow cover. During the warm season, ponds of melt water of snow and ice result in large reduction of albedo. Based on the knowledge from foregoing observational and modeling studies, the treatment of the ocean surface albedo in AFES (Atmospheric general circulation model For the Earth Simulator) has been improved. Recent modifications to albedo parameterizations incorporated in AFES are described and optimum values for various parameters are adjusted to the observation data. The effects of albedo on global energy balance and atmospheric circulation are discussed.
キーワードalbedo; ocean surface; sea ice; atmospheric model; atmospheric circulation; computerized simulation; Earth Simulator; AFES; radiative energy balance; solar zenith angle; atmospheric optical depth; sea surface temperature; snow; temperature distribution; parameterization; 反射能; 海洋表面; 海氷; 大気モデル; 大気循環; 計算機シミュレーション; 地球シミュレータ; AFES; 放射エネルギーバランス; 太陽天頂角; 大気の光学的深さ; 海面温度; 雪; 温度分布; パラメータ化
資料種別Technical Report
