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タイトルAn evaluation of Galileo-Viking differenced range in Galileo-Mars flyby navigation
著者(英)Walsh, E. W.; Winn, F. B.; Nicholson, F. T.; Ananda, M. P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述A summary and evaluation of the Galileo-Mars flyby navigation techniques is presented. The navigational requirements of Galileo as it swings by Mars are going to be met with interferometric angular measurements (VLBI) and range and range-rate measurements. Like VLBI, dual spacecraft differenced range is less sensitive to Mars ephemeris errors and tracking station location errors than conventional range and Doppler. Similarly, differenced range provides angular information about the separation between the Mars Viking Lander I and the Galileo spacecraft. In covariance studies, dual spacecraft range coupled with conventional range and Doppler is shown to estimate the Galileo-Mars flyby distance to better than 10 km which is comparable to the VLBI performance. For the Galileo-Mars flyby, dual spacecraft differenced range promise to be an excellent backup to VLBI if the Mars Viking Lander remains operational.
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