JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSolar wind and magnetosphere interactions
著者(英)Russell, C. T.; Holzer, R. E.; Feynman, J.; Greenstadt, E. W.; Allen, J. H.; Rostoker, G.; Slavin, J. A.; Kaye, S. M.; Cauffman, D. P.; Manka, R. H.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述The relationship between the magnetosphere and the solar wind is addressed. It is noted that this interface determines how much of the solar plasma and field energy is transferred to the Earth's environment, and that this coupling not only varies in time, responding to major solar disturbances, but also to small changes in solar wind conditions and interplanetary field directions. It is recommended that the conditions of the solar wind and interplanetary medium be continuously monitored, as well as the state of the magnetosphere. Other recommendations include further study of the geomagnetic tail, tests of Pc 3,4 magnetic pulsations as diagnostics of the solar wind, and tests of kilometric radiation as a remote monitor of the auroral electrojet.
権利No Copyright
