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タイトルX-ray bright points and the solar cycle
著者(英)Golub, L.; Vaiana, G. S.
著者所属(英)Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
内容記述The shape of the Sun's activity spectrum is such that the majority of all magnetic flux emerging at the surface comes in the form of bright points, i.e., regions living less than two days. Examination of soft X-ray data obtained from 1970 to 1978 shows that the number of bright points appears to be anticorrelated with traditional activity indices, such as sunspot number; the anticorrelation persists after corrections are made for obscuration by active regions. Comparison of X-ray data with KPNO magnetograms shows that to within a factor of two, the average total amount of magnetic flux emerging over the full Sun is constant through the entire period of observation. The Solar cycle therefore appears to be more an oscillation in the wavenumber distribution of emerging flux than of the total quantity of magnetic flux produced.
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