タイトル | Solar-terrestrial coupling through atmospheric electricity |
著者(英) | Hays, P. B.; Roble, R. G. |
著者所属(英) | National Center for Atmospheric Research |
発行日 | 1979-06-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | There are a number of measurements of electrical variations that suggest a solar-terrestrial influence on the global atmospheric electrical circuit. The measurements show variations associated with solar flares, solar magnetic sector boundary crossings, geomagnetic activity, aurorae, differences between ground current and potential gradients at high and low latitudes, and solar cycle variations. The evidence for each variation is examined. Both the experimental evidence and the calculations made with a global model of atmospheric electricity indicate that there is solar-terrestrial coupling through atmospheric electricity which operates by altering the global electric current and field distribution. A global redistribution of currents and fields can be caused by large-scale changes in electrical conductivity, by alteration of the columnar resistance between thunderstorm cloud tops and the ionosphere, or by both. If the columnar resistance is altered above thunderstorms, more current will flow in the global circuit, changing the ionospheric potential and basic circuit variables such as current density and electric fields. The observed variations of currents and fields during solar-induced disturbances are generally less than 50% of mean values near the earth's surface. |
レポートNO | 79N25613 |
権利 | No Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/531893 |