JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMicrobial response to space environment, part B
著者(英)Long, R. A.; Ellis, W. L.; Volz, P. A.; Foster, B. G.; Spizizen, J.; Chassay, C. E.; Simmonds, R. C.; Buecker, H.; Taylor, G. R.; Wrenn, R. T.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述The performance of the microbial response to space environment experiment is considered excellent by all investigators. For most microbial systems, only preliminary survival data are available at this time. None of the available data indicate space flight-mediated changes in cell viability or recovery. One quite important observation has been made at this early date, however. The eggs produced after mice had been infected with N. dubius larvae demonstrated a significant decrease in hatchability when compared to identical ground controls. Except for the fact that the Apollo 16 flight larvae had been on board the command module, treatment of the flown larvae and ground control larvae was the same; neither had been exposed to UV irradiation. The significance and implications of this finding are currently being studied.
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