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タイトルMechanisms for the adhesion of silver to glow discharge sensitized perfluorinated ethylene propylene (PEP)
著者(英)Paczkowski, F. N.; Gilchrist, W. H.; Schutt, J. B.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Details are given for the deposition of silver onto FEP for a batch coater capable of handling 864 square inches at a time. The effectiveness of the glow discharge is shown to be optimum when the FEP faces the anode. Using solid state theory based upon the work function difference, and the heuristic assumption that the surface of FEP is populated with fluoride ions, it is argued that an anode sensitized surface develops states receptive to electron transfer from silver, whereas a cathode sensitized surface is polarized only, and as a result cannot permanently trap charge. Thermodynamic arguments given show that an order of magnitude of 10 to the 9th power electrons are transferred into states to a depth of 10 nm.
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