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タイトルThe effects of random accelerations on estimation accuracy with applications to the Mariner 1969 relativity experiment
著者(英)Ondrasik, V. J.; Curkendall, D. W.; Nead, M. W.; Thornton, C. L.; Finley, S. G.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述A simple point of view is presented for establishing the relationship between a general modeling error and estimation accuracy. Tentative models are given for the random, nongravitational forces thought likely to affect the Mariner 6 and 7 spacecraft. The navigation data from these spacecraft were used to determine the relativity parameter Gamma. The effect that random accelerations have on the classical least squares filter, which assumes the accelerations do not exist, is calculated, and it is demonstrated that their presence seriously affects the estimates, particularly when an extended data arc is employed. Finally, some preliminary exploration using sequential-type filters, which attempt to model and thus ameliorate the effects of these same accelerations, is reported.
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