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タイトルLinearization of Attitude-Control Error Dynamics
著者(英)Paielli, Russell; Bach, Ralph
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Direction cosines and quaternions are useful for representing rigid-body attitude because they exhibit no kinematic singularities. Each utilizes more variables than the minimum three degrees of freedom required to specify attitude. Therefore, application of a nonlinear inversion procedure to either formulation introduces singularities. Furthermore, in designing an attitude-control system, it is not appropriate to express attitude error as a difference of direction cosines (or quaternions). One should employ a measure of attitude error that not only is minimal but preserves orthogonal rotation properties as well. This note applies an inversion procedure to an appropriate measure of attitude error, so that the singularity occurs when the error reaches +/- 180 deg. This approach leads to the realization of a new model-follower attitude-control system that exhibits exact linear attitude-error dynamics.
NASA分類Numerical Analysis
NAS 1.15:112453
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
