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タイトルSTOP Modeling for the JWST: Techniques, Results, and Sensitivities
著者(英)Blaurock, Carl; Parrish, Keith; Bluth, A. Marcel; Ha, Kong; Redden, Jeremy; McGinnis, Mark; Kim, Kevin; Mosier, Gary; Johnston, John D.; Howard, Joe
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The James Web Space Telescope (JWST) is a large, infrared-optimized, space telescope scheduled for launch to L2 in 2011. It must meet rigorous thermal stability requirements, almost all of which will be verified through analysis. Terrestrial testing will be performed but even that will require significant analytical interpretation of results. Preliminary analysis indicates that traditional second-order effects could cause the telescope to exceed established performance requirements. This leads to very large detailed models, primarily since composite tubes are being modeled using solid elements. To minimize differences between the current baseline and the model the project is using a number of rapid analysis cycles. The large size of the telescope models and the short cycle time creates a demanding multidisciplinary analysis environment.
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