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タイトルNorthern Hemisphere Nitrous Oxide Morphology during the 1989 AASE and the 1991-1992 AASE 2 Campaigns
著者(英)Weaver, Alex; Strahan, Susan; Chan, K. Roland; Loewenstein, Max; Podolske, James R.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Nitrous oxide vertical profiles and latitudinal distributions for the 1989 AASE and 1992 AASE II northern polar winters are developed from the ATLAS N2O dataset, using both potential temperature and pressure as vertical coordinates. Morphologies show strong descent occurring poleward of the polar jet. The AASE II morphology shows a mid latitude 'surf zone,' characterized by strong horizontal mixing, and a horizontal gradient south of 30 deg N due to the sub-tropical jet. These features are similar to those produced by two-dimensional photochemical models which include coupling between transport, radiation, and chemistry.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
