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タイトルTumbleweed: A New Paradigm for Surveying the Surface of Mars for In-Situ Resources
著者(英)Flick, J. J.; Kuhlman, K. R.; Hajos, G. A.; Behar, A. E.; Jones, J. A.; Antol, J.; Carsey, F.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Inflatable and rigid Tumbleweeds are wind-propelled long-range vehicles based on well-developed and field tested technology. Different Tumbleweed configurations can provide the capability to operate in varying terrains and accommodate a wide range of instrument packages making them suitable for autonomous surveys for in-situ natural resources. Tumbleweeds are lightweight and relatively inexpensive, making them very attractive for multiple deployments or piggy-backing on larger missions. Modeling and testing have shown that a 6 meter diameter Tumbleweed is capable of climbing 25 degree hills, traveling over 1 meter diameter boulders, and ranging over a thousand kilometers. Tumble-weeds have a potential payload capability of about 10 kg with approximately 10-20 Watts of power. Stopping for measurements can be accomplished using partial deflation or other braking mechanisms.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
