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タイトルExact-exchange local-density functional approximation and magnetism of transition metals
著者(日)赤井 久純; 小谷 岳生
著者(英)Akai, Hisazumi; Kotani, Takao
著者所属(日)大阪大学 理学部 物理学科; 大阪大学 理学部 物理学科
著者所属(英)Osaka University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Osaka University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
刊行物名Activity Report, 1995
Activity Report, 1995
抄録A new method of the band structure calculation was developed by using an exact exchange energy instead of that in the Local Density Approximation (LDA). In this method, the Fock term in the Hartree-Fock scheme is treated as a functional of electron densities via eigenfunction of the Kohn-Sham equations. Exact-exchange potential following faithfully the density functional theory is defined as a functional derivative of the exchange energy with respect to the electron densities. This method was applied to some insulators and semiconductors. The band gaps were found to be largely enhanced from those obtained by LDA. For simple metals, on the other hand, the exact-exchange method gave very similar energy dispersions as LDA. These facts indicate that the method provides a unified mean to deal with both rather localized and extended states. Recently, the exact-exchange LDA was applied to magnetic transition metals. The results on the electronic structure of ferromagnetic iron and nickel showed that the position of the d bands of majority spin was too low relatively to s and p bands, whereas situation was opposite for the minority spin bands. This causes fairly big polarization. Though the resulting total magnetizations never far exceeded the experimental values because of strong negative s and p spin polarization, the spatial distribution of the spin density obviously contradicts existing neutron scattering data. The above situation comes from the inexact correlation energies borrowed from the expression of LDA, and should be overcome by applying the same exact procedure as used for exact-exchange energy.
キーワードLDA; local density functional approximation; exchange energy; band structure calculation; Hartree Fock method; Kohn Sham equation; magnetic transition metal; ferromagnet; iron; nickel; LDA; 局所密度汎関数近似; 交換エネルギー; バンド構造計算; ハートリー・フォック法; Kohn-Sham方程式; 磁性遷移金属; 強磁性体; 鉄; ニッケル
資料種別Technical Report
