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タイトルStrategies and Recommended Targets for Mars Surveyor Program Landing Sites
著者(英)Rice, James W., Jr.; Scott, David H.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The two major constraints for selecting the Mars Surveyor Program (MSP) 2001 landing site at the time of this meeting are latitude (30'N to 15S) and elevation (< 2.5 km). The latitude belt will be narrowed down to a 15' sector after this workshop. This mission will demonstrate the capability to perform a precision landing, with the goal of achieving an accuracy of approximately 10 km, 3-sigma. There will be at least two different landing sites ('01 and '03) selected in the MSP. However, there should be an option of having the '05 sample return mission land in a different site and the '05 mission should be equipped with a rover for two reasons. The reasoning behind this follows: '05 lander/rover package should have the option of going to an independent site from either '01 or '03 because predecessor missions (orbital) may locate the "Ultimate Site"; '05 needs a rover to either: (A) explore and sample this "ultimate site" for sample return; (B) retrieve samples from '01 or '03 rovers, as a contingency, in case these rovers malfunction and cannot negotiate the trek back to the sample return vehicle.
NASA分類Lunar and Planetary Science and Exploration
権利No Copyright
