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タイトルNHK Laboratories Note: Number 443
その他のタイトルThree dimensional analysis of the magnetization process of thin film media for perpendicular magnetic recording
著者(日)宮下 英一; 米田 与志朗; 沼澤 潤二
著者(英)Miyashita, Eiichi; Yoneda, Yoshiro; Numazawa, Junji
著者所属(日)NHK放送技術研究所 記録・機構研究部; NHK放送技術研究所 記録・機構研究部; NHK放送技術研究所 記録・機構研究部
著者所属(英)NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Recording and Mechanical Engineering Research Division; NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Recording and Mechanical Engineering Research Division; NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories Recording and Mechanical Engineering Research Division
発行機関などNHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories
刊行物名NHK Laboratories Note
NHK放送技術研究所 Laboratories Note
抄録A new calculation model is proposed to analyze the magnetization process of thin film media for perpendicular magnetic recording. The model uses a set of many fine magnetic particles, of which the thin film is supposed to be composed, taking account of their switching characteristics, inter-particle interaction and the influence of an initial layer. It is used to calculate the magnetization process of an isolated fine magnetic particle and the magnetization loop of a perpendicular magnetic recording medium composed of such particles, for both a recording medium with an initial layer and a medium without one. It is shown that the calculated magnetization loop of the medium with an initial layer agrees well with the measured loop and that the presence of an initial layer reduces the coercive force of the medium substantially.
キーワードperpendicular magnetic recording; magnetic recording thin film medium; magnetization process; calculation model; three dimensional analysis; switching characteristic; interparticle interaction; initial layer; magnetization loop; isolated fine magnetic particle; 垂直磁気記録; 磁気記録薄膜媒体; 磁化過程; 計算モデル; 3次元解析; スイッチング特性; 粒子間相互作用; 初期層; 磁化ループ; 孤立磁性微粒子
資料種別Technical Report
