JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSpace Station Application of Simulator-Developed Aircrew Coordination and Performance Measures
著者(英)Murphy, Miles
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述This paper summarizes a study in progress at NASA/Ames Research Center to develop measures of aircrew coordination and decision-making factors and to relate them to flight task performance, that is, to crew and system performance measures. The existence of some similar interpersonal process and task performance requirements suggests a potential application of these methods in space station crew research -- particularly research conducted in ground-based mock-ups. The secondary objective of this study should also be of interest: to develop information on crew process and performance for application in developing crew training programs.
NASA分類Behavioral Sciences
権利No Copyright
