JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルPsychological Adaptation to Extreme Environments: Effects of Team Composition on Individual Adaptation
著者(英)Hysong, S. J.; Wood, J.; Harm, D. L.; Lugg, D. J.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述This study is part of an ongoing program of research examining the psychological effects of isolation and confinement on individual adaptation, productivity and group relations in Antarctic winter personnel. This environment is used as an analogue for long-duration space mission scenarios, such as a space station sojourn, or a mission to Mars. Earlier results from this and other environments have demonstrated that: (1) most changes in psychological well-being are event-related and of relatively short duration; and (2) the greatest problem facing most individuals is interpersonal conflict. Content analysis of responses to open-ended questions has identified the numerous enjoyable aspects of Antarctic living, and confirmed that many of the problems reported were interpersonal in nature, and that problems varied significantly by station. Current work is exploring the effects of team assignment on the self-reported psychological changes and self-evaluations of members of isolated teams. This work includes identifying the dimensions by which subjects determine how well they are functioning. These dimensions (e.g., work, social life, internal emotional state) appear to play an important role in how subjects evaluate many aspects of life in isolation.
NASA分類Behavioral Sciences
権利No Copyright
