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タイトルBackup Attitude Control Algorithms for the MAP Spacecraft
著者(英)Bay, P. Michael; ODonnell, James R., Jr.; Andrews, Stephen F.; Ward, David K.; Flatley, Thomas W.; Ericsson-Jackson, Aprille J.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) is a follow-on to the Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) instrument on the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) spacecraft. The MAP spacecraft will perform its mission, studying the early origins of the universe, in a Lissajous orbit around the Earth-Sun L(sub 2) Lagrange point. Due to limited mass, power, and financial resources, a traditional reliability concept involving fully redundant components was not feasible. This paper will discuss the redundancy philosophy used on MAP, describe the hardware redundancy selected (and why), and present backup modes and algorithms that were designed in lieu of additional attitude control hardware redundancy to improve the odds of mission success. Three of these modes have been implemented in the spacecraft flight software. The first onboard mode allows the MAP Kalman filter to be used with digital sun sensor (DSS) derived rates, in case of the failure of one of MAP's two two-axis inertial reference units. Similarly, the second onboard mode allows a star tracker only mode, using attitude and derived rate from one or both of MAP's star trackers for onboard attitude determination and control. The last backup mode onboard allows a sun-line angle offset to be commanded that will allow solar radiation pressure to be used for momentum management and orbit stationkeeping. In addition to the backup modes implemented on the spacecraft, two backup algorithms have been developed in the event of less likely contingencies. One of these is an algorithm for implementing an alternative scan pattern to MAP's nominal dual-spin science mode using only one or two reaction wheels and thrusters. Finally, an algorithm has been developed that uses thruster one shots while in science mode for momentum management. This algorithm has been developed in case system momentum builds up faster than anticipated, to allow adequate momentum management while minimizing interruptions to science. In this paper, each mode and algorithm will be discussed, and simulation results presented.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利No Copyright
