JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMaintenance of a long term total solar irradiance data series
著者(英)Crommelynck, D.; Dewitte, S.; Joukoff, A.
著者所属(英)Institut Royal Meteorologique de Belgique
内容記述The dispersion of the measurements that contributed to the previously defined space absolute radiometric reference (SARR) is investigated by objective statistical analysis. The estimated standard deviation with which the reference is known is 0.22 W/sq m, corresponding to 0.016 percent of its mean value. Several updates are made in the SARR referenced total solar irradiance data series, which was previously obtained from November 1978 until December 1993. The shift in 1898-1990 of the NIMBUS 7 instrument identified by Lee in 1995 is investigated and taken into account, resulting in new values for the NIMBUS 7 measurements before 1990 and in a new SARR adjustment coefficient for the active cavity radiometer irradiance monitoring (ACRIM) 1 instrument. The data series is extended to the present by adding level 1 data of DIARAD/VIRGO on board SOHO. A preliminary SARR coefficient for level 1 DIARAD/VIRGO was obtained by comparison with SARR referenced ACRIM 2 data.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利Copyright, Distribution within the U.S. granted by agreement
