JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルLaser Optogalvanic Spectroscopy pf Neon and Argon in a Discharge Plasma and its Significance for Microgravity Combustion
著者(英)Haridass, C.; Misra, Prabhakar; Major, H.
著者所属(英)Howard Univ.
内容記述A detailed study of combustion mechanisms in flames, employing laser-based diagnostics, has provided good knowledge and understanding of the physical phenomena, and led to better characterization of the dynamical and chemical combustion processes, both under low-gravity (in space) and normal gravity (in ground based facilities, e.g. drop towers). Laser induced fluorescence (LIF), laser-induced incandescence (LII) and LIF thermometry have been widely used to perform nonintrusive measurements and to better understand combustion phenomena. Laser optogalvanic (LOG) spectroscopy has well-established applications in ion mobility measurements, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, ionization rates, recombination rates, velocity measurements and as a combustion probe for trace element detection. Absorption spectra of atomic and molecular species in flames can be obtained via LOG spectroscopy by measuring the voltage and current changes induced by laser irradiation. There are different kinds of processes that contribute to a discharge current, namely: (1) electron impact ionization, (2) collisions among the excited atoms of the discharge species and (3) Penning ionization. In general, at higher discharge currents, the mechanism of electron impact ionization dominates over Penning ionization, whereby the latter is hardly noticeable. In a plasma, whenever the wavelength of a laser coincides with the absorption of an atomic or molecular species, the rate of ionization of the species momentarily increases or decreases due to laser-assisted acceleration of collisional ionization. Such a rate of change in the ionization is monitored as a variation in the transient current by inserting a high voltage electrode into the plasma. Optogalvanic spectroscopy in discharges has been useful for characterizing laser line-widths and for providing convenient calibration lines for tunable dye lasers in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelength regions. Different kinds of quantitative information, such as the electron collisional ionization rate, can be extracted from the complex processes occurring within the discharge. In the optogalvanic effect (OGE), there is no problem of overlap from background emissions, and hence even weak signals can be detected with a high signal-to-noise ratio, which makes the optogalvanic effect sensitive enough to resolve vibrational changes in molecular bonds and differences in energy levels brought about by different electron spins. For calibration purposes, neon and argon gaseous discharges have been employed most extensively, because these gases are commonly used as buffer gases within hollow-cathode lamps and provide an acceptable density of calibration lines. In the present work, our main aim has been to understand the dominant physical processes responsible for the production of the OGE signal, based on the extensive time resolved optogalvanic waveforms recorded, and also to extract quantitative information on the rates of excited state collisional processes.
NASA分類Materials Processing
権利No Copyright
