JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAn Examination of Applying Shunted Piezoelectrics to Reduce Aeroelastic Response
著者(英)McGowan, Anna-Maria Rivas
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Several analytical and experimental studies clearly demonstrate that piezoelectric materials (piezoelectrics) can be used as actuators to actively control vibratory response, including aeroelastic response. However, two important issues in using piezoelectrics as actuators for active control are: 1) the potentially large amount of power required to operate the actuators, and 2) the complexities involved with active control (added hardware, control law design, and implementation). Active or passive damping augmentation using shunted piezoelectrics may provide a viable alternative. This approach requires only simple electrical circuitry and very little or no electrical power. The current study examines the feasibility of using shunted piezoelectrics to reduce aeroelastic response using a typical-section representation of a wing and piezoelectrics shunted with a parallel resistor and inductor. The aeroelastic analysis shows that shunted piezoelectrics can effectively reduce aeroelastic response below flutter and may provide a simple, low-power method of subcritical aeroelastic control.
NASA分類Aircraft Stability and Control
権利No Copyright
