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タイトルHigh energy gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants
著者(日)吉田 龍生; 柳田 昭平
著者(英)Yoshida, Tatsuo; Yanagita, Shohei
著者所属(日)茨城大学 理学部; 茨城大学 理学部
著者所属(英)Ibaraki University Faculty of Science; Ibaraki University Faculty of Science
発行機関などInstitute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo
刊行物名超高エネルギー天体 研究会集録 平成9年度
Ultra High Energy Astrophysics. The Collected Papers in Study Meeting, 1997FY
抄録SNRs are currently believed to be the major source of galactic cosmic rays. Recent observations with the ASCA (Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics) satellite of the non-thermal X-rays from the shell of SN1006 show, for the first time, direct evidence for the existence of electrons with energies up to approximately 100 TeV which are accelerated within the blast wave shock in the remnant. A method to allow estimating the values of some physical parameters necessary to investigate the electron acceleration phenomena in the remnants is described. The product of the maximum energy attained by the electrons and the square root of the mean strength of the magnetic field is estimated by fitting the observed synchrotron spectrum with the expected spectrum form a model energy-distribution function of electrons. It is suggested that this product may be disentangled. It may be able to estimate the values of each factor in the product by future observations of TeV gamma rays from inverse Compton scattering on the microwave radiation and on other ambient target photons.
キーワードSNR; supernova remnant; shock wave; high energy gamma ray; high energy electron; inverse Compton scattering; synchrotoron radiation; acceleration mechanism; magnetic field strength; Fermi particle acceleration; SNR; 超新星残骸; 衝撃波; 高エネルギーガンマ線; 高エネルギー電子; 逆コンプトン散乱; シンクロトロン放射射; 加速機構; 磁場強度; フェルミ粒子加速
資料種別Conference Paper
