JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルNonlinear dynamics of complex fluids
著者(日)土井 正夫; 松本 充弘; 山田 慶治; 増淵 雄一; 泰岡 顕治; 磯貝 徹哉; 速水 弘樹; 前田 敏彦
著者(英)Doi, Masao; Matsumoto, Mitsuhiro; Yamada, Keiji; Masubuchi, Yuichi; Yasuoka, Kenji; Isogai, Tetsuya; Hayami, Hiroki; Maeda, Toshihiko
著者所属(日)名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科; 名古屋大学 工学部 応用物理学科
著者所属(英)Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering; Nagoya University Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering
刊行物名Activity Report, 1995
Activity Report, 1995
抄録The dynamics of gel, polymer, colloid and fluid phase change were studied. The following topics were dealt with massive numerical simulations after constructing a set of the fundamental equations: dynamics of volume transition of gel, gelation dynamics, condensation dynamics of fluids, and homogeneous nucleation in vapor.
キーワードgel; polymer; colloid; phase change; gelation dynamics; condensation dynamics; nucleation; numerical simulation; nonlinear dynamics; complex fluid; phase transition of gel; ゲル; ポリマ; コロイド; 相変化; ゲル化動力学; 凝縮動力学; 核形成; 数値シミュレーション; 非線形動力学; 複雑流体; ゲルの相転移
資料種別Technical Report
