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タイトルDebris environment interactions with low Earth orbit constellations
著者(英)Johnson, Nicholas; Siebold, Karl; Bade, Anette; Reynolds, Robert
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Several low earth orbit communication satellite constellations are planned. Due to their size and complexity, these constellations potentially contribute to the orbital debris environment. The results of a parametric assessment of the impact of low earth orbit constellations on the orbital debris environment are presented. The increase in loss rate of non constellation spacecraft is considered, as well as the increase in the loss rate or replacement rate of constellation satellites as a result of debris impact. Primary parameters in the analysis are the number, size and altitude of the constellation. Parameters are defined for the vulnerable area of loss of spacecraft and the disposition of constellation spacecraft at the end of its life.
NASA分類Astronautics (General)
権利No Copyright
