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タイトルThe INTEGRAL scatterometer SPI
著者(英)Diehl, R.; Georgii, R.; Durouchoux, P.; Lin, R. P.; Leleux, P.; Kirchner, T.; Diallo, N.; Kandel, B.; Mandrou, P.; Matteson, J.; Albernhe, F.; Vedrenne, G.; Slassi-Sennon, S.; Jean, P.; Mandrou, P.; Sanchez, F.; Payne, B.; vonBallmoos, P.; Caraveo, P.; Teegarden, B.; Vedrenne, G.; Lichti, G.; Schoenfelder, V.; Skinner, G.; Cordier, B.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) mission's onboard spectrometer, the INTEGRAL spectrometer (SPI), is described. The SPI constitutes one of the four main mission instruments. It is optimized for detailed measurements of gamma ray lines and for the mapping of diffuse sources. It combines a coded aperture mask with an array of large volume, high purity germanium detectors. The detectors make precise measurements of the gamma ray energies over the 20 keV to 8 MeV range. The instrument's characteristics are described and the Monte Carlo simulation of its performance is outlined. It will be possible to study gamma ray emission from compact objects or line profiles with a high energy resolution and a high angular resolution.
NASA分類Spacecraft Instrumentation
権利No Copyright
