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タイトルPositrons from quantum evaporation of primordial black-holes
著者(英)Durouchoux, P.; Dubus, G.; Wallyn, P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The unconfirmed prediction of quantum evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs) is considered together with the related unanswered questions of whether PBHs ever existed and whether any could still exist. The behavior of the positrons from PHBs is modeled in relation to three facts. Firstly, the integrated emitted number spectrum of positrons is six to eight times larger than that of photons. Secondly, positrons emitted from PBHs lose energy and annihilate, producing a prominent line at 511 keV which is redshifted by the expansion of the universe. Thirdly, these photons may be detectable in the X-ray and low gamma ray energy ranges. The model predicts a flux which is significantly inferior to the instrument sensitivities of the foreseeable future.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
