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タイトルGamma ray line observations with OSSE
著者(英)Purcell, W. R.; Leising, M. D.; Johnson, W. N.; Grove, J. E.; Murphy, R. J.; Share, G. H.; Kurfess, J. D.; Harris, M. J.
著者所属(英)Naval Research Lab.
内容記述Observations from the oriented scintillation spectrometer experiment of the gamma ray lines originating from a variety of Galactic center sources are reviewed. Extensive observations were acquired of the Galactic center region, including the 0.511 MeV positron annihilation line and associated positronium continuum and Al-26 emission. The results reviewed include: Co-57 from SN 1987A; limits on Co-56 from SN 1991T; gamma ray lines from solar flares; searches for Ti-44 emission from Cas A, and searches for C-12 and O-16 lines from the Orion region.
権利No Copyright
