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タイトルGRIS detection of Al-26 1809 keV line emission from the Galactic center region as a broad line
著者(英)Leventhal, Marvin; Tueller, Jack; Parsons, Ann; Naya, Juan E.; Teegarden, Bonnard J.; Bartlett, Lyle M.; Barthelmy, Scott D.; Gehrels, Neil
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The gamma ray imaging spectrometer (GRIS) was used to observe the 1809 keV emission from the Galactic center region. The observed line is broader than the instrument resolution. The measured intrinsic width is 5.4 +/- 1.4 keV full width half medium, which is more than three times the maximum Doppler broadening expected due to Galactic rotation. The detection of such a wide feature, suggesting a high dispersion velocity has implications for the origin of Galactic Al-26. It suggests a supernova explosion origin or a Wolf-Rayet stellar wind origin of Al-26. The fact that the Al-26 has not come to rest after 10(exp 6) years presents a challenge to the current understanding of the Al-26 production and propagation in the Galaxy.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
