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タイトルStratospheric Chlorine partitioning: Constraints from Shuttle-borne Measurements of [HCl], [ClNO3] and [ClO]
著者(英)Goldman, A.; Brown, T. L.; Zander, R.; Irion, F. W.; Michelsen, H. A.; Stiller, G. P.; Kaempfer, N.; Salawitch, R. J.; Abrams, M. C.; Chang, A. Y.; Aellig, C.; Abbas, M. M.; Newchurch, M. J.; Gunson, M. R.; Rinsland, C. P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Measured stratospheric mixing ratios of HCl, ClNO3, and ClO from ATMOS and MAS are poorly reproduced by models using recommended kinetic parameters. This discrepancy is not resolved by new rates for the reactions Cl+CH4 and OH+HCl derived from weighted fits to laboratory measurements. A deficit in modeled [HCl] and corresponding overprediction of [ClNO3] and [ClO], which increases with altitude, suggests that production of HCl between 20 and 50 km is much faster than predicted from recommended rates.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
