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タイトルHigh speed simulator: A simulator for all seasons
著者(英)Robinson, W. J.; Patel, K.; Reinholtz, W.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The evolution of a high speed spacecraft simulator (HSS) is discussed from development and operations perspectives. The HSS is a series of simulators capable of modeling the spacecraft and its subsystems at different levels. The HSS was developed for the validation of the Galileo low gain antenna mission's flight software. Due to the successful performance of the HSS in assisting with the flight software validation, additional Galileo validation applications were identified. These applications include the modeling of other onboard data systems, such as the command and data subsystem and the attitude and articulation control subsystem. The HSS architecture, which consists of a number of components, is described and the operational use of the system is outlined.
NASA分類Ground Support Systems and Facilities (Space)
Paper SO96.5.02
権利No Copyright
