JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


その他のタイトルReport of the 33rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition: Activities of the summer party (1991-1992) and wintering party (1992)
著者(日)福地 光男; 佐野 雅史
著者(英)Fukuchi, Mitsuo; Sano, Masashi
著者所属(日)国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所
著者所属(英)National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research
National Institute of Polar Research
Antarctic Record
Summer activities in the 1991/92 austral summer and winter activities in 1992 of the 33rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) are described. The JARE-33 consisted of 16 members of the summer party and 37 members of the wintering party (one member of the wintering party returned with the summer party). Two Brazilian fish physiologists joined the summer party based on the exchange scientist program of the Antarctic Treaty. The icebreaker Shirase left Tokyo on 14 November 1991 and arrived at Breid Bay on 18 December, where the closing of Asuka Camp was completed. Then she headed to Syowa Station and arrived there on 4 January 1992. Transportation of cargo by helicopter to Syowa Station was carried out between 23 December 1991 and 18 January 1992. A total of 848 tons of cargo, including pipe transport of light oil (342 kl) and freight by oversnow vehicles (215 tons), were transported. A new central building was constructed from 23 December to 17 February as the start of an eight year reintegration project of Syowa Station. Three generator engines of 200 kVA capacity were overhauled. Concurrently, various research programs such as absolute gravity measurement and field surveys including inland oversnow traverse were performed. However, there were some problems with a superconducting gravity meter while the gravity meter was being tested for winter operation. Therefore, one scientist working on the gravity meter who planned to winter over decided to leave Syowa Station with the gravity meter. All of the summer party left Syowa Station on 17 February and headed to Sydney, Australia, while oceanographic and marine biological observations were carried out on board. Members of the summer party of JARE-33 and the wintering party of JARE-32 returned to Narita by air on 27 March 1992. The wintering party of JARE-33 worked at Syowa Station from 1 February 1992 to 31 January 1993. The scientific research programs cover the following four major disciplines: (1) upper atmosphere physics, ground based observations of disturbance and structures of the magnetosphere, and satellite data acquisition; (2) glaciology and meteorology, glaciological studies including radio echo sounding along the oversnow traverse route to the inland dome area (= Valkyrjedomen), where deep core drilling is planned; (3) biology and medical science, sea ice ecology and flux study, ecosystem monitoring and physiological adaptation of man to the Antarctic cold, and polar psychological tests; and (4) geology and geophysics, geological field work and geophysical observations. Also, various routine observations were continued. A specialist on waste management wintered over for the first time and examined the quality and quantity of waste disposal. Members of the wintering party of JARE-33 and the summer party of JARE-34 returned to Narita on 28 March 1993.
キーワードJapanese antarctic research expedition; JARE; summer party; wintering party; exchange scientist program; Antarctic Treaty; ice breaker; Asuka station; Syowa station; upper atmosphere; magnetospheric structure; inland dome area; deep core drilling; marine biological observation; oceanographic observation; 日本南極地域観測隊; JARE; 夏隊; 越冬隊; 交換科学者; 南極条約; 砕氷艦; あすか基地; 昭和基地; 超高層大気; 磁気圏構造; 内陸ドーム域; 深層掘削; 海洋生物調査; 海洋観察
資料種別Technical Report
